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Overview: Welcome

About Our Project

Check-In, Check-Out, Check-Go

Over the span of 10 weeks, our group worked on a project for our upper-level undergraduate course in User Experience Design for Spring 2022. This project followed the theme of  “Back to…”, inspired by “Back to the Future”. This theme allowed us to reflect how Covid has affected us and incorporate that into our final prototype.

Overview: About
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Problem Statement

Long lines at the grocery store have always been an issue, but were exaggerated by the pandemic, and are still an issue as we transition from virtual to in-person.

People who are both busy and covid-safe struggle in crowded stores and long lines, causing frustration and annoyance to shop in a timely manner.

We hoped to alleviate these feelings of stress while grocery shopping by creating a solution that allowed users to avoid long lines and busy stores.

Overview: About


Undergraduates at the University of Washington studying Human Centered Design and Engineering.

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Isha Madan


Iris Kim


Sasank Reddy



Chi Tran


Overview: Team Members
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